Data analysis
Macrofauna taxa collected from the beds were identified and
listed. Pearson correlation coefficient was employed for the better
understanding of relationship between the concentration of various
nutrients, sediment composition, and pH by using statistical package
(SPSS-11.5). Their settlement was analyzed using several indices:
univariate measures such as Margalef ’s species richness (d), Shannon-
Wiener diversity (H′ log) and Pielou’s evenness (J′), graphical tools like
k-dominance curve and multivariate tool such as Bray-Curtis similarity
after suitable transformation of sample abundance data, classification
(hierarchical agglomerative clustering using group-average linking),
and ordination (multidimensional scaling, MDS) were used for treating
the data and were calculated using of computer software of PRIMER
(Ploymouth Routines In Multivariate Ecological Research ver. 6).