Association with peers also increases during adolescence (Larson & Richards, 1991), which is salient because deviant peer associations can influence drug use, GPA, and delinquency (Mounts & Steinberg, 1995). However, when adolescents have internalized religious or prosocial values, they are less likely to associate with deviant peers (Simons et al., 2004), and
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internalized family values can serve as a protective factor against deviant peer associations and subsequent conduct problems during adolescence (Germán, Gonzales, &Dumka, 2009). Again, we are unaware of studies specifically examining values regarding choosing peers who are a good influence or who are involved in positive behaviors, so the current study will examine associations between values and corresponding behaviors within each of these four domains, as well as between domains, and the role of parenting in the promotion of value-congruent behavior.