2. Literature Review / Research rationale
In the literature there exist many studies which examine the influence of provision the e-learning tools to the results of students.
Fatih Baris and Tosun described the influence of using e-tools in the education process at the high school and concluded the positive influence of this tool on students.
Heath described the benefits and also disadvantages of creating and developing of electronic portfolios which could be used for different purposes.
Horovcák et al. conclude that electronic version of testing presents modern and effective form of feedback from students to teacher and that electronic testing has its own unique place in the whole education process.
Stanescu et al. also prove the advantages of an e-learning tool that permits generation of questions from the certain base of question defined previously.
Viciana et al. describe a computerized system that allows researchers creating, applying and tabulating surveys and paper instruments in an automatized way and consider them as a useful tool since it permits to input data with higher precision and no need for previous codifications.
Dindar et al. also describe the role of multimedia in education and in testing of students.
Deep research of using multiple choices testing at entrance exam for University of Economics in mathematics which is also computerized was conducted by KlUfa who perceives multiple choices testing as optimal and objective for entrance examinations at University of Economics, Prague.