I was up in the attic snooping through some old boxes. That's when i found my great-uncle Mike's traveling chest.
Mom had told us lots of stories about Uncle Mike. As a famous magician, he had performed all around the world. Maybe some of his old tricks were in this trunk!
I was just opening it when my brother Pete came up the stairs.He saw what i was doing and said, "i'm going to tell Mom!"
I knew he would do it, too unless i kept him busy. "Here,help me with this lid. It's stuck,"i told him. He agreed,and the two of us slowly budged the heavy lid.
At first l was disappointed. All i could see was just a bunch of old clothes. Then, under the clothes, something sparkly caught my eye. It was a black velvet cape with a shiny silver lining. "This must have been Mike's magic cape!" I said happily. I started to put it on.
"Now i am going to tell. Mom!" Pete announced. He headed back down the attic stairs.
"What a pest!" I said to myself. I finished tying on the cape. It felt heavy on my shoulders and covered me from neck to toe. I decided to leave it on-for a while,anyway.
Rummaging through the chest some more, i found a stiff black circle. Curious, l ran my fingers over the silky covering. Pop! The circle turned into a tall black hat. "Magic!" I whispered as i put the hat on my head.
"You better get down here! I told Mom what you're doing."Pete shouted up the stairs.