In another study Kim et al.(2007) reported that the 3–5 kGy radiation doses may
prevent microbial grow thin the kale juice during storage period.
These results showed that,the in activation of microorganisms in
different juices depended on their compositions. Alighourchi et al.
(2008) reported that irradiation at 0.5 and 2 kGy reduced the
growth rate of bacteria and fungi of the selected pomegranate
juices during the first 3 days of storage at 4 °C and the microbial
population reduced to below the detection limits at 3.5 kGy,in
all studied pomegranate juices. Lee etal.(2009) reported that
doses up to 5 kGy did not significantly influence colour,and nutritional values of ready-to-use tamarind juice.However,the populations of the total aerobic bacteria,yeast and mould in the juice were significantly reduced by γ-irradiation at 1kGy or above.