To summarize, the study’s analysis of early-stage entrepreneurial
activity across countries and regions revealed high levels of earlystage
activity, ambition and innovation, but rarely all three metrics
in a single country. Less competitive economies with high levels of
early-stage entrepreneurial activity, such as Uganda, tend not to
provide the environment necessary for ambitious and innovative
entrepreneurs to develop and thrive. But, then competitive economies
with low levels of early-stage entrepreneurial activity, such as
Denmark, have twice as much EEA as early-stage entrepreneurs,
and high rates of ambitious and innovative entrepreneurship as
a proportion of their low early-stage entrepreneurial activity. In
Section 3, the study attempts to make sense of the various permutations
in which the three early-stage entrepreneurial metrics
are combined, by employing cluster analysis that, along with
taking EEA into account, provides greater value for understanding
the link between entrepreneurship and competitiveness.