Behind him was Princess Qian Qian. If he dodged it and let her take the hit, even if she was fine afterwards, she would probably curse him forever. Yue Yang couldn’t dodge the attack, but he wasn’t stupid enough to fight against a three-meter-tall Giant whose arms where even thicker and harder than his own body head on. He first used his leg to kick Princess Qian Qian’s small bottom, sending her flying away like a cannonball. He used the momentum from kicking her body to spin in the air, ingenuously avoiding Giant’s punch and at the same time landing a kick on Giant Xing Meng’s face. However, Yue Yang’s kick that had packed additional strength from Giant Phantom Shadow’s power and was strong enough to even destroy a bison’s neck bone, didn’t do much damage to Giant Xing Meng.
The Giant advanced instead of retreating, brandishing his giant club as if his sole intention was to pulverize Yue Yang’s tiny body.
Speaking of strengths, Giant Xing Meng’s terrifying, barbaric strength was indeed stronger than Yue Yang’s. If Yue Yang didn’t have the additional strength from Giant Phantom Shadow, he might not even compare to Giant’s single finger.
As for defense, Giant Xing Meng’s skin was even harder than a Giant Mammoth’s.
Yue Yang had never seen a case where the enemy could totally disregard his attack even after using the full strength of his legs. However, according to that saying from Stephen Chow’s movie, “In the world of martial arts, speed defines the winner”, becoming powerful in fighting was not solely based on strength and strong defense alone. Real martial art skill centered around speed and technique, not the biggest fist or the strongest strength.