Regarding the specific occupations, the following statistically
significant positive changes in the use of ergonomic measures were
observed: 37e41% of bricklayers reported an increase in their use of
measures to position their materials (bricks, blocks, mortar, glue) at
working height (raised). Among the bricklayers who decreased
their use of the measures (16%), the main barrier was the unavailability:
63% of these bricklayers indicated this as the reason for not
using the measures. The majority of the bricklayers (81%) who
increased their use of the measures indicated “work lighter” as the
main reason.
Half of the reinforcing iron and rebar workers reported that they
increased their use of measures to position their materials (mats
and bars). As with the bricklayers, most of the iron and rebar
workers reported that they experienced that the work was lighter
when using the ergonomic measures. Barriers for using the measures
were the expensiveness and unavailability of related ergonomic
Among the drywall and ceiling tile installers at follow-up, 43%
reported using measures for horizontal transport more often
compared with baseline. Those drywall and ceiling tile installers
indicated that working with the measures was both faster and
lighter. Unfamiliarity with the measures (20%) and unavailability
(80%) were the main barriers mentioned by workers using the
measures less.
3.3. Prevalence of MSDs
At follow-up, the respondents reported regular or long-lasting
complaints of the lower back (43%), knees (31%), and shoulders
(31%) most often. At the individual level, a statistically significant
decrease in shoulder complaints was seen (28% reported a
decrease, compared with 17% who reported an increase in shoulder
complaints), but not for the other bodily regions (Table 3).
At follow-up, 69% of the respondents with MSDs reported that
their complaints resulted partially or completely from their work.
About half of the respondents indicated that their complaints
worsened because of their work and that they experienced limitations
in their work due to their MSDs.