1.9 For the improvement of cattle, five livestock farms were set up during the First Plan. A cheese making
plant was set up at (Gogona) Sa-Ganga. A Mithun breeding farm at Thromong and a small pisciculture
unit were set up during the Second Plan period. A special unit for mule and horse breeding was opened at
livestock farm, Bidung. Necessary steps were also taken to control the Gid disease of yaks and common
diseases like rinderpest etc.
1.10 Twenty-eight Bhutanese boys were trained in India as Veterinary Compounders and
1.11 Many of the schemes for afforestation and soil conservation could not be implemented for want of
trained personnel.
1.12 Social amenities were extended on a significant scale. The number of Schools increased from 59 in
1960-6] to 102 in 1970-71, including 15 Junior High Schools, 4 High Schools and 2 Public Schools. The
total enrolment increased from 3,000 to over 9,000. Besides, the scope of the scholarship scheme
introduced for sending Bhutanese students for education to lndia was also enlarged and the number of
students presently receiving education in India is about 500 as against 140 in 1960-61. One Teachers'
Training Institute also started functioning at Samchi which provides training to 40 teachers a year. A
technical school was also started for providing training in crafts like tailoring, motor mechanics, carpentry
etc. to 160 students.
1.13 The number of Hospitals increased from
1.9 For the improvement of cattle, five livestock farms were set up during the First Plan. A cheese makingplant was set up at (Gogona) Sa-Ganga. A Mithun breeding farm at Thromong and a small piscicultureunit were set up during the Second Plan period. A special unit for mule and horse breeding was opened atlivestock farm, Bidung. Necessary steps were also taken to control the Gid disease of yaks and commondiseases like rinderpest etc.1.10 Twenty-eight Bhutanese boys were trained in India as Veterinary Compounders andVeterinaryAssistants.1.11 Many of the schemes for afforestation and soil conservation could not be implemented for want oftrained personnel.1.12 Social amenities were extended on a significant scale. The number of Schools increased from 59 in1960-6] to 102 in 1970-71, including 15 Junior High Schools, 4 High Schools and 2 Public Schools. Thetotal enrolment increased from 3,000 to over 9,000. Besides, the scope of the scholarship schemeintroduced for sending Bhutanese students for education to lndia was also enlarged and the number ofstudents presently receiving education in India is about 500 as against 140 in 1960-61. One Teachers'Training Institute also started functioning at Samchi which provides training to 40 teachers a year. Atechnical school was also started for providing training in crafts like tailoring, motor mechanics, carpentryetc. to 160 students.1.13 The number of Hospitals increased from
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