(1) curbline delivery points;
(2) sidewalk delivery points; or
(3) centralized delivery points.
(c) Exceptions.—
(1) CONTINUED DOOR DELIVERY.—The Postal Service may allow for the continuation of door delivery due to—
(A) a physical hardship of a customer;
(B) weather, in a geographic area where snow removal efforts could obstruct access to mailboxes near a road;
(C) circumstances in an urban area that preclude efficient use of curbside delivery points;
(D) other exceptional circumstances, as determined in accordance with regulations issued by the Postal Service; or
(E) other circumstances in which the Postal Service determines that alternatives to door delivery would not be practical or cost effective.
(2) NEW DOOR DELIVERY POINTS.—The Postal Service may provide door delivery to a new delivery point in a delivery area that received door delivery on the day before the date of enactment of this section, if the delivery point is established before the delivery area is converted from door delivery under subsection (b).
(d) Solicitation of Comments.—The Postal Service shall establish procedures to solicit, consider, and respond to input from individuals affected by a conversion under this section.
(e) Review.—Subchapter V of this chapter shall not apply with respect to any action taken by the Postal Service under this section.
(f) Report.—Not later than 60 days after the end of each fiscal year through fiscal year 2015, the Postal Service shall submit to Congress and the Inspector General of the Postal Service a report on the implementation of this section during the preceding fiscal year that—
(1) includes the number of door delivery points—
(A) that existed at the end of the fiscal year preceding the preceding fiscal year;
(B) that existed at the end of the preceding fiscal year;
(C) that, during the preceding fiscal year, converted to—
(i) curbline delivery points or sidewalk delivery points;
(ii) centralized delivery points; and
(iii) any other type of delivery point; and
(D) for which door delivery was continued under subsection (c)(1);
(2) estimates any cost savings, revenue loss, or decline in the value of mail resulting from the conversions from door delivery that occurred during the preceding fiscal year;
(3) describes the progress of the Postal Service toward achieving the conversions authorized under subsection (b); and
(4) provides such additional information as the Postal Service considers appropriate.