Determination of colour of banana chips using
The banana chips were blended and 2 g of banana
chips were measured. All reading were taken as L*
, b*
colour space values. Chroma C*
was calculated
as √a*
2 + b*
2 and que was calculated from, the arc
tangent of b*
. Calibration of the instrument was
performed using a white ceramic tile (L*
= 98.06, a*
= -0.23 and b*
= 1.87) before measuring each new set
of triplicate samples.
Sensory evaluation of banana chips
Sensory evaluation was conducted by sensory of
5 attributes which were colour, crispiness, sweetness,
oiliness and overall acceptance by 50 untrained
panelists. The hedonic test is most suitable method
to determine the consumer acceptability towards
the banana chips. Data from Hedonic test was then
analyzed using ANOVA Single Factor to determine is
there any significant difference between four banana
chips in colour, crispiness, sweetness, oiliness and
overall acceptance.
Results and Discussion
Moisture analysis
Food moisture analysis involves the whole
coverage of the food items in the world because foods
are comprising a considerable amount of water rather
than other ingredients. Moisture content of the food
material is important to consider the food is suitable
before the consumption, because moisture content
affects the physical, chemical aspects of food which
relates with the freshness and stability for the storage
of the food for a long period of time and the moisture
content determine the actual quality of the food before
consumption and to the subsequent processing in the
food sector by the food producers. In this research,
effect of dipping with different concentration of sugar
to moisture content of banana chip was determined.
From Figure 1, moisture content of banana chip was
decreased as the concentration of sugar was increased.
Moisture content in fried banana chips was affected
by the sugar concentration. From Table 1, the highest
moisture reduction was 12 g chips (90.51%) and
the lowest moisture reduction was control chips
(86.65%). Similar results were obtained by Mai
Tran et al. (2007). The moisture content in sugar
dipped potato chips decreased quickly than control
samples. This might be due to osmotic dehydration.
Osmotic dehydration is the process of water removal
by immersion of water-containing cellular solid in
a concentrated aqueous solution. In this research,