When your business and the local economy are booming, incentive compensation can help you hang on to valuable employees who could easily be lured away to work elsewhere. When the economy is slow, employees may not have many alternatives to their current jobs. In that circumstance, you need motivated employees even more -- particularly if you have stretched your staff thin to offset stagnant or declining revenue, or are on the ropes.
Short-term incentives (STIs) are incentives which measure performance over a one-year or less period. A recent study* showed nearly every employer who participated in the research offers STIs. Three-quarters of those employers offer more than one STI plan, and the use of multiple plans is rising. In 2011, roughly 23 percent of private employers offered at least four plans, and by 2013, this figure had grown to 30 percent. Most often, these plans are made available only to exempt salaried workers.
Long-term incentive plans, offered by 56 percent of the survey base, include stock options, restricted stock and phantom stock and similar mechanisms. In general, the smaller the company, the less suitable or practical stock-based incentive plans tend to be.
Focus on Short-Term Incentives
The most common form of STI is the annual incentive plan, which bases pay-outs on pre-established, objective formulas. The survey showed that annual incentive plan eligibility is almost universal among senior executives and managers. However, only about 42 percent of nonexempt salaried employees and 45 percent of hourly workers were also eligible.
The median anticipated cost of STI plans is six percent of annual operating income.
Of those employers surveyed, 68 percent said the primary reason for having annual incentive plans was to "align employees' incentives with short-term goals" of the company. No surprise there.
When asked to rate the effectiveness of their annual incentive plans, the results were mixed. On a one-to-five scale, with one being the most effective and five being "not effective," the largest group (42 percent) rated their plans smack in the middle, with a three. Thirteen percent rated their plans as four, and another 13 percent ranked their plans at five.
The accompanying tables provide more detail. Table 1 shows how employers with annual incentive plans understand the strengths and weaknesses of those plans. Table 2 shows the prevalence of various components of the formula which determines the size of the incentive payout for any given year
Plan Characteristics
Following are key characteristics of these STIs as defined by World at Work:
Annual incentive plan. Tied to the accomplishment of specific results, generally not discretionary.
Discretionary bonus plan. Amounts determined by management, with no preset formulas, promises or guarantees.
Spot awards. Reward special contributions as they occur for a specific project or task.
Retention bonus. A reward offered to employees who stay put during a defined period critical to the company's success or survival.
Team/small group incentives. Often offered when it is difficult to separate the contributions of particular employees from the measurable results of a team.
Project bonus. Can be paid to an individual or team upon successful completion of a project by an assigned deadline.
Profit-sharing plan. Ties employees' total compensation to company profits, usually based on a pre-determined formula. Some profit sharing plans have a discretionary component.
Gain-sharing plan. Rewards calculated on productivity gains, by either an individual or a team.
Sources and Solutions for Ineffective STIs
When employers aren't fully satisfied with the impact of their STIs, the common culprits and solutions include the following:
1. Employees have begun to take these bonuses for granted.
Possible remedy: Mix it up. You don't have to offer the same STIs forever. Also, be careful not to assume that all employees will respond in the same way to particular incentives. Sound them out to gain insights on what's motivational.
2. The size of the awards is too small.
Possible remedy: Try to be as generous as you can, based on the value of the rewarded performance to your company's success, instead of an arbitrary number that just sounds right to you.
3. Employees don't understand the purpose or calculation method for the incentive.
Possible remedy: With the exception of spot awards, be sure you have taken enough time to explain the purpose of these incentive schemes and how they connect individual employees and employee teams to the broader success of the organization.
4. You didn't give enough thought to your specific expectations for the incentive plans, or how results could be measured.
Possible remedy: Take a strategic and holistic approach to establishing bonus programs, and ensure you are clear about the measurable results you are looking for. Analyze the results carefully before drawing conclusions about the incentives' success or ineffectiveness, then modify your offerings accordingly for the next performance cycle. Keep in mind, your business needs might have changed, and your STIs need to be adjusted accordingly -- or even dropped.
เมื่อธุรกิจของคุณและเศรษฐกิจกำลังเฟื่องฟู ค่าตอบแทนจูงใจสามารถช่วยคุณแขวนไว้กับพนักงานที่มีคุณค่าที่สามารถได้อย่างง่ายดายจะงามไปทำงานอื่น เมื่อเศรษฐกิจช้า พนักงานอาจไม่มีหลายทางเลือกกับงานปัจจุบัน ในสถานการณ์ที่ คุณต้องยิ่ง - แรงจูงใจพนักงานโดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งถ้าคุณได้ยืดพนักงานบางเพื่อชดเชยรายได้ที่ลดลง หรือศิลปิน หรืออยู่บนเชือกแรงจูงใจระยะสั้น (STIs) มีแรงจูงใจซึ่งวัดประสิทธิภาพการทำงานระยะเวลา 1 ปี หรือน้อยกว่า การล่าการศึกษา * พบว่า เกือบทุกนายที่เข้าร่วมในการวิจัยมี STIs Three-quarters ของนายจ้างที่มีมากกว่า หนึ่งแผน STI และขึ้นใช้หลายแผน ใน 2011 ประมาณร้อยละ 23 ของนายจ้างส่วนตัวเสนอแผนน้อยสี่ และ โดย 2013 ตัวเลขนี้ได้เติบโตขึ้น 30 เปอร์เซ็นต์ บ่อยที่สุด แผนเหล่านี้จะมีเฉพาะกับผู้ปฏิบัติงานประจำยกเว้นแผนงานระยะยาว นำเสนอ โดยร้อยละ 56 ของฐานสำรวจ รวมหุ้น หุ้นจำกัด และหุ้นแฝง และกลไกคล้ายกัน ทั่วไป ขนาดเล็กบริษัท ไม่เหมาะสม หรือปฏิบัติตามหุ้นจูงใจแผนมักจะเน้นแรงจูงใจระยะสั้นแบบทั่วไปของ STI เป็นการจูงใจแผนประจำ ที่ฐานค่าจ้างลึกหนาบางในสูตรที่กำหนดขึ้นล่วงหน้า วัตถุประสงค์ การสำรวจพบว่ามีแผนอบรมประจำปีสากลเกือบระหว่างผู้บริหารระดับสูงและผู้จัดการ อย่างไรก็ตาม เพียง 42 เปอร์เซ็นต์ของเงินเดือนพนักงาน nonexempt และ 45 เปอร์เซ็นต์ของแรงงานต่อชั่วโมงก็ยังได้The median anticipated cost of STI plans is six percent of annual operating income.Of those employers surveyed, 68 percent said the primary reason for having annual incentive plans was to "align employees' incentives with short-term goals" of the company. No surprise there.When asked to rate the effectiveness of their annual incentive plans, the results were mixed. On a one-to-five scale, with one being the most effective and five being "not effective," the largest group (42 percent) rated their plans smack in the middle, with a three. Thirteen percent rated their plans as four, and another 13 percent ranked their plans at five. The accompanying tables provide more detail. Table 1 shows how employers with annual incentive plans understand the strengths and weaknesses of those plans. Table 2 shows the prevalence of various components of the formula which determines the size of the incentive payout for any given yearPlan CharacteristicsFollowing are key characteristics of these STIs as defined by World at Work:Annual incentive plan. Tied to the accomplishment of specific results, generally not discretionary.Discretionary bonus plan. Amounts determined by management, with no preset formulas, promises or guarantees.Spot awards. Reward special contributions as they occur for a specific project or task.Retention bonus. A reward offered to employees who stay put during a defined period critical to the company's success or survival.Team/small group incentives. Often offered when it is difficult to separate the contributions of particular employees from the measurable results of a team.Project bonus. Can be paid to an individual or team upon successful completion of a project by an assigned deadline.Profit-sharing plan. Ties employees' total compensation to company profits, usually based on a pre-determined formula. Some profit sharing plans have a discretionary component.Gain-sharing plan. Rewards calculated on productivity gains, by either an individual or a team.Sources and Solutions for Ineffective STIsWhen employers aren't fully satisfied with the impact of their STIs, the common culprits and solutions include the following:1. Employees have begun to take these bonuses for granted.Possible remedy: Mix it up. You don't have to offer the same STIs forever. Also, be careful not to assume that all employees will respond in the same way to particular incentives. Sound them out to gain insights on what's motivational.2. The size of the awards is too small.Possible remedy: Try to be as generous as you can, based on the value of the rewarded performance to your company's success, instead of an arbitrary number that just sounds right to you.3. Employees don't understand the purpose or calculation method for the incentive.Possible remedy: With the exception of spot awards, be sure you have taken enough time to explain the purpose of these incentive schemes and how they connect individual employees and employee teams to the broader success of the organization.4. You didn't give enough thought to your specific expectations for the incentive plans, or how results could be measured.Possible remedy: Take a strategic and holistic approach to establishing bonus programs, and ensure you are clear about the measurable results you are looking for. Analyze the results carefully before drawing conclusions about the incentives' success or ineffectiveness, then modify your offerings accordingly for the next performance cycle. Keep in mind, your business needs might have changed, and your STIs need to be adjusted accordingly -- or even dropped.
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