ANA appointed a committee to study health insurance proposals and programs and their implications for the nursing profession.
The work of ANA's Legislative Section, organized in 1921, was assumed by the Committee on Legislation.
ANA, NLNE, and NOPHN formed a Joint Committee on Community Nursing Service to help communities plan a more complete nursing service.
Congress enacted the Social Security Act.
The National Labor Relations Act was enacted; it protected the rights of workers who wished to organize and bargain collectively.
In 1934, ANA's Board of Directors appointed a special committee to consider a request to move ANA headquarters to Chicago. This committee explored the distribution of nurses across the country, the expense of relocation, and possible relocation sites. In 1936, the Board recommended that ANA retain headquarters offices in New York in close proximity to other health organizations.
The Mary Mahoney Award is established by the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses.
ANA undertook a project to review and restate the function of the association as well as the joint functions of the three national nursing organizations.
The three national nursing organizations established a joint committee to examine the issue of subsidiary workers.
ANA appointed a committee to consider the matter of lay membership and lay participation in the American Nurses' Association.
The ANA convention was held June 21 – 26 in Los Angeles, CA. Convention theme: “Nursing as Part of Tomorrow’s Community Health Service”.
A committee of the National League of Nursing Education and the Division of Nursing of the Council of the American Hospital Association prepared the Manual of the Essentials of Good Hospital Nursing Service.
The board of directors of the American Nurses' Association appointed a special committee for the purpose of considering the question of nurse membership in unions.
1935ANA appointed a committee to study health insurance proposals and programs and their implications for the nursing profession.The work of ANA's Legislative Section, organized in 1921, was assumed by the Committee on Legislation.ANA, NLNE, and NOPHN formed a Joint Committee on Community Nursing Service to help communities plan a more complete nursing service.Congress enacted the Social Security Act.The National Labor Relations Act was enacted; it protected the rights of workers who wished to organize and bargain collectively.1936In 1934, ANA's Board of Directors appointed a special committee to consider a request to move ANA headquarters to Chicago. This committee explored the distribution of nurses across the country, the expense of relocation, and possible relocation sites. In 1936, the Board recommended that ANA retain headquarters offices in New York in close proximity to other health organizations.The Mary Mahoney Award is established by the National Association of Colored Graduate Nurses.ANA undertook a project to review and restate the function of the association as well as the joint functions of the three national nursing organizations.The three national nursing organizations established a joint committee to examine the issue of subsidiary workers.ANA appointed a committee to consider the matter of lay membership and lay participation in the American Nurses' Association.The ANA convention was held June 21 – 26 in Los Angeles, CA. Convention theme: “Nursing as Part of Tomorrow’s Community Health Service”.A committee of the National League of Nursing Education and the Division of Nursing of the Council of the American Hospital Association prepared the Manual of the Essentials of Good Hospital Nursing Service.1937The board of directors of the American Nurses' Association appointed a special committee for the purpose of considering the question of nurse membership in unions.1938
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