This paper presents the work in enhancing ACES through
developing AASMP, short for Android application server for
mobile platforms, which employs HTML5 technology and
supports accessing client-side peripheral hardware devices. It
2013 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering
978-0-7695-5096-1/13 $31.00 © 2013 IEEE
DOI 10.1109/CSE.2013.100
643is motivated by the widespread cloud computing and the
popularity of Android system running on mobile platforms,
such as smart-phones and tablet computers. The purposes of
developing AASMP mainly are: to allow deploying Android
applications on a server to be accessed by client-side users,
not necessarily operating an Android platform, using a
browser program without installing any plug-in modules; to
support offloading the execution of existing Android
applications to powerful server-side platforms with neither
modifying nor porting needed; to lay a foundation for
developing server-side Android applications or services
which are provided with the resources normally limited on
mobile platforms. Beside, the functionality of AASMP fully
supports Android applications and, when the client-side
mobile platform is installed a device management daemon, is
capable of accessing hardware devices commonly equipped
on mobile platforms, such as GPS or motion sensor. For
example, the Google Map application running on AASMP
could read the GPS data from client device. Fig. 1 depicts the
operating scenario of AASMP that any mobile platform
equipped with a HTML5 browser can login AASMP and
execute Android applications on it.
The most significant feature of AASMP is that it can
concurrently create a virtual Android smart-phone for each
user on client side as the scenario shown in Fig. 1. With this
AASMP, service providers can deploy Android applications
or services on server without downloading to client-side
platforms. In addition, it provides a billing solution based on
the usage of application and may prevent application from
unauthorized distribution or dumping from client devices.