Dhamma is the best thing for people
In this life and the next as well.
‘Then some beings thought, "Evil things have appeared among
beings, such as taking what is not given, censuring, lying,
punishment and banishment. We ought to put aside evil and
unwholesome things." And they did so. "They Put Aside Evil
and Unwholesome Things" is the meaning of Brahmin, which is
the first regular title to be introduced for such people. They
made leaf-huts in forest places and meditated in them. With the
smoking fire gone out, with pestle cast aside, gathering alms for
their evening and morning meals, they went away to a village,
town, or royal city to seek their food, and then they returned to
their leaf-huts to meditate. People saw this and noted how they
meditated. "They Meditate" is the meaning of Jhayaka, which is
the second regular title to be introduced.
‘However, some of those beings, not being able