It was a plain fact: Kyoya Hibari was a stubborn man.
Nothing and no-one could change his mind once he has decided to do something... well nothing and no-one... except you, his wife, could change his stubborn mind.
“Kyo-kun, we’ve past that street five times now.” You informed your husband with an exasperated sigh.
“I know where we are.” He stated without batting an eyelash.
“Then show me,” you demanded, shoving the map into his face.
“Here.” He growled, pointing at the map.
Your finely plucked eyebrow twitched in annoyance, “you just pointed to a random spot,” you yelled, glaring at him.
He was too stubborn to admit that you both were completely and utterly lost and your patience had all but flown out of the window.
“Kyoya, stop the car and ask for directions,” your voice lowered with each word, “or so help me you’ll find yourself not getting anything from me for a long time,” you threatened.
He promptly stopped the car and with a deep growl he got out to go ask for directions.
Yes, Kyoya was definitely stubborn but as his wife you knew how to push his buttons so he would give up, luckily for you.