Thanks for leaving me your email on the site,it feels good to read from you,just to tell you more about myself there is this chemistry i can feel here its all about my instinct it have never lied to me and i am sure if we lead this in the right direction it might just be the best for us............................
I am getting fond of you already and i am so glad you are being honest with me,and if i must confess i am enjoying every bit of this cos i have never felt like this in a while,like i wrote in the last mail i sent if we lead this in the right direction it might just be the best for us........
I know you are not like other women, I have met in time past and I don’t want you to “fall so cheap” for anyone, I am not a liar and would consider it a disgrace to lead you on in a direction that is not good for you or myself. Hurting you or game playing is not part of who I am. I want us to be careful for both our sakes, and there is a chemistry here that I feel is between us.
I have been hurt by others before, just as you have but there is a good thing to all of this pain. the way I see it is when people step all over your feelings they are ultimately the losers. Lives spent in vain pursuits of self-indulgence, or lying to you about who they are,better still taking advantage of ones vulnerability makes them the weak people. I see them as handicapped, encased in a prison, unable to give, unable to feel. Sadly, over long periods of time I have seen the paths of destruction that these people have lead and how unable and unfulfilling their lives have become, unable to give anything of themselves.To me strength is the willingness to give, exposing yourself to possible pain in the experience, weakness is hiding behind the shelter not making yourself available. I am speaking philosophically here and not implying anything toward you.I just want you to understand that some things are just meant to happen and you cant help it,no matter how hard you try.
I am not a perfect being but i can always strive to make you happy, i know you are not looking for someone perfect on the earth because there is none perfect no not one.
Not certain if there is anything such as the perfect person, it is my observation that there are degrees of need that cannot be fulfilled and that no one can fill them all. I know that may sound cynical but perfection is a high water mark that can lead to a continuation of frustration and lack of fulfillment as one tries to demand something that can’t be obtained. However I do believe a certain sense of compromise and understanding can open that door to real value.
I have been hurt in the past, I know how it feels to feel an emptiness and loneliness, we are basically looking for the same things, yet neither of us are “desperate” or willing to be “cheap” about it. That in itself is hard to find and get started. Where can it lead, to the next step, a meeting, then hopefully to the desire to be together, then possibly a lover, and from there who knows, but for now first things first.
lets explore this world together and see where this leads us, i know its hard for you to love again, i am willing to teach you, just be ready to open the door when i am at the door pressing the bell to come in to your heart...lets take the journey one at a time and love may take long but your heart will know when you are finally home.will look forward to read from you,have a great day ahead.