Hello, dear, thank you for all you have done to me. I promise I won"t talk to another man. I love one, no one can replace you. Please trust me, as I trust you. The house that you give me a look, I have a favor to ask you.
1. The model home, you must.
2. You have to be in the city or not.
3. Budget, how much you want me to look at.
4. The number of bedrooms you want.
5. The size of the house a few square meters.
I want to know your requirements. Because if we know the details. It will find easier. Now I"m looking for a project newly built comfortable location, security is high. Natural indoor รื่ม livable. And quiet is a village that has good society with various conveniences. I will send the form home give you a look at you like or not, you are always in my heart. Thank you again, with the promise that you gave me, it makes me feel good luck in the world. You are my prince.
Love my husband.