The three commonly utilized control strategies are centralized, partially distributed, and fully distributed. With a centralized ID-PS control strategy all ID-PS control functions are implemented and managed in a central location. Using a fully distributed ID-PS control strategy is the opposite of the centralized strategy. Each monitoring site uses its own paired sensors to perform its own control functions to achieve the necessary detection, reaction, and response functions. Thus, each sensor/agent is best configured to deal with its own environment. In a partially distributed ID-PS control strategy the better parts of the other two strategies are combined. While the individual agents can still analyze and respond to local threats, their reporting to a hierarchical central facility enables the organization to detect widespread attacks. This blended approach to reporting is one of the more effective methods of detecting intelligent attackers, especially those who probe an organization through multiple points of entry, trying to scope out the systems’ configurations and weaknesses, before they launch a concerted attack.