This chapter discusses the theory and design of aquaponic systems. There are many
design aspects to take into consideration, as virtually all environmental and biological
factors will have an impact on the aquaponic ecosystem. The aim of this chapter is to
present these aspects in the most accessible way and to provide a thorough explanation
of each component within an aquaponic unit.
Section 4.1 discusses the factors to consider when selecting a site for an aquaponic
unit, including access to sunlight, wind and rain exposure, average temperature and
others. Section 4.2 discusses the general aquaponic components essential for any
method of aquaponics, including the fish tank, water and air pumps, the biofilter,
the plant growing method and associated plumbing materials. The hydroponic
component is then discussed in further detail, focusing on the three most common
methods used in aquaponics: the media bed method (Figures 4.1–4.5); the nutrient
film technique (NFT) method (Figures 4.6–4.9); and the deep water culture (DWC)