activities that include parachute gemes,hoop activities ball games,an obstacle course,group games and an exercise station with a balance beam , ladder ,climbing pole and tires
teachers can employ a wide variety of teaching strategies to facilltate children's gross motor development, combinging the themes of jocomotor,stability,and maniputtive skills with the concepts of spac awareness, effort,and relataionship with other people and the environment.
what's important in a deveiopmentally appropriate movement program for young children is for the young child to develop physical skills plus an awaress of how move-ment concepst relate to those skills. limiting
children's movement experence simply to throwing orkicking a ball (mnipulative skills) ,for example, without introducing the concepts of kicking hard.throwing high.or kicking nder.fails to provide the knowledge base young children need to becomme movement proticiient. (sanders2002.38)
because preschoolers are engaging in many gross motor activities for the first time and chil-dren's perceptual judgments are still immature,a significant amount of direct adult supervision is necessary . the physical environment should have pieces of equipment that vary in skill level according to the degree of belance and coor-dination reauired.under climbing structures,six to twelve inches of appropriate cushioning material is necessary to protect children from