The five Wisdom Buddhas are:
(1) Vairocana
(2) Akshobhya
(3) Amitabha
(4) Ratnasambhava
(5) Amoghasiddhi
These five Buddhas are not like Gautama Buddha, the historical Buddha who was born and died in India, and who attained nirvana.
These five cosmic Buddhas exist on a magical level—they live forever, and they rule over heavenly realms (in other words, pure lands). So they do not live on earth, but they can come to our assistance if we seek a ritual or magical relationship with them and call them to help us.
In Tantric ritual, we adopt the individual characteristics of one or more of these Buddhas so we can magically become like them. That way we can become a bodhisattva (Buddha-to-be