The concept of a popular cause animal body. But the question that contrary to the spirit of challenge animals popular, some animals talk about loyalty to the "boss" the food, especially the horse Molly asked. When the revolution is a cube of sugar to eat? Is the ribbon tie? The answer that Molly is no animal tool for making sugar cubes. And the sugar cubes will is not needed anymore. Because the animals will have the oat straw and all. And the ribbon is a symbol of slavery, Molly agrees, but not comfortable...
Then the revolution succeeded. Mr. Jones is the animal cast out. Manor Farm was renamed as animal farm. By those pork summary principle concept popular cult of animals It is a commandment, seven folds.
Whatever walk with two legs is an enemy.
Whatever walks with four legs or wings is friendly.
Animals must not wear clothes.
The animals will have to sleep on the bed.
The animals need to drink alcohol.
The animals will not kill animals together.
All animals are equal.