Data for this study were acquired using a 28 question
anonymous questionnaire to Australian physiotherapists
who had completed a PhD. The questionnaire had seven
sections: 1) demographics, 2) details of the course undertaken
and reasons for undertaking a PhD, 3) current research role,
4) current clinical role, 5) career satisfaction, 6) their career
path, and 7) suggestions for future career paths. A mix of
closed and open questions were used (see Appendix 1 on
eAddenda for questionnaire). The questionnaire was piloted
in November 2005 on attendees of Australian Physiotherapy
Association National Neurology and Gerontology Groups
Joint Conference prior to final distribution. Distribution was
by post and email to identified sites and individuals between
March and October 2006. Physiotherapist researchers
were asked to complete and return the questionnaire in an
unmarked envelope. General reminder emails and phone
calls were made to encourage return by the due date.
Involvement was voluntary and no monetary compensation
was provided. Return of the questionnaire indicated consent
to participate.