When I was student. I have experienced sum part time jobs as
On my free time. I like to surf net and
Product Consultant
My father and mother can support me because their jobs pay well.
I’m really sure. Myfamily agrees on me to deciding this faculty
and they can pay my tuition until the end.
I think …ชื่อคณะ + มหาวิทยาลัย is accredited and is my favorite major.
I would like to study in here. Besides วิชาที่เรียนหรือวิชาคณะ is so interesting
and it is my favor also.
I will be a / an อาชีพ and this university gives me a lot of chances. I don’t worry about my job in the future
Every time I learn ………….. It makes me more interested. I never sleep and I do all of my assignment.