1. Thai-Kami Co., Ltd.
Thai-Kami Co., Ltd. (“TKC”) claims Thai Engineering Granite Co., Ltd. (“TEG”) for outstanding rental amount THB 1,136,557.04.
Disc Slab Cutting Machine registration no. 41 112 616 0022 and no. 41 112 616 0023 (TEG put up collateral to secure debt Red case: 11106/2549) are located in TEG’s factory but those machine are out of order. Currently, we initiated the legal execution process against TEG’s machine, the Bangkok South Civil Court has already issued the court writ of execution dated 19 January 2015 given to TKC. On 1 April 2015, the lawyer have already initiated the enforcement process at the Legal Execution Department (Central), in this regards Taak Provincial Court has already served an order to the Legal Execution Department (Taak) on 15 May 2015 upon requested by the Legal Execution Department (Central) for process the enforcement of TEG’s asset. The next step is the lawyer shall bring the officer of the Legal Execution Department (Taak) to seize machine at TEG’s factory for auction process. We are in consideration about the possibility to sell machine and cost incur from the whole process.