sample. Fast amylose exclusion occurs accompanying by great
granules swelling that can lead to slurries of increased viscosities
at lower temperatures. High SS amount was also found in fine samples
after sieving (FF) that remained high at a wide temperature
range from 65 to 95 C.
Swelling power can reflect the extent of the associative forces
within the granule (Moorthy and Ramanujam, 1986). On the other
hand, a high swelling power can be related to a looser structure
that permits both water absorption and a high soluble solids
amount leakage from the starch granules. The solubility is usually
correlated with the swelling power. In our study SP and SS do not
follow the same trend under heating, suggesting that the rate of
starch swelling and polysaccharides leakage is different. In particular,
leakage of amylose and solubility matters occur faster than
starch swelling and hydration matters of the flour particles. Jet
milling induces this observation and seems that in these small
particles mass transfer (water-solubles’ leakage) occurs quite fast
and simultaneously, but still solubles’ leakage is a faster process
compared to water absorption (swelling) up to 75 C.