So I saw this picture on Instagram the other day and it said "what would you do if you woke up to this?" And the first guy who commented He said that he would be pissed as hell and that he would make her clean it up and hope it doesn't stain because "that shits nasty".
Are you kidding me??
If I wasn't single and I had a girlfriend and woke up to this I would run to the bathroom, turn on a nice warm shower, wake her up and tell her to get undressed and have her sit in the shower for as long as she needed, take the blankets off of the bed and throw them and her clothes in the wash, get her some new clean clothes and a towel and throw them in the dryer for like 5 minutes so when she gets out she can be warm. And then I would make her a hot cup of tea and bring her as much junk food as she wanted. I would cuddle her, I would play with her hair, and I would give her endless massages.
"That shit" is not nasty. That is normal. That is life