Recently, much attention has been directed to the micronutrient content of processed foods. In the
present study total phenols, flavonoids, capsaicinoids and antioxidant activity were determined on fresh,
boiled and frozen chili peppers cultivars belonging to four Capsicum species (Capsicum annuum, Capsicum
baccatum, Capsicum chacoense and C. chinense). The obtained data showed that fresh peppers exhibited
the highest phenols, flavonoids and capsaicinoids content. Boiling and freezing process negatively
influenced the content of these phytochemicals. Generally, C. annuum cultivars have the greater antioxidant
activity relatable to the higher phenols and capsaicinoids content. Considering the attention of
consumers in respect of the nutritional properties of the food, it seems necessary to address more
carefully the effects of food home processing on the healthy compounds