In recent years the significant increase in the power density of internal combustion engines has been supported by the simultaneous progress in turbocharger development. The driving forces for these developments were end-users' economical and operational considerations as well as future turbocharging requirements of new engine applications, e.g. emission limits.
Rig testing is not only mandatory in the design and development phase of new turbocharger turbines, but also plays an important role in helping turbomachinery designers continue to improve their design tools and methods with accurate validation data. The data provided by rig testing-both overall performance data and internal data-is required to develop and enhance the design tools that are used, including computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
The turbocharger turbine test rig called MONA VI is described in the present paper. The article gives an overview of the rig installation and its integration into the infrastructure at ABB Turbo Systems Ltd. The configuration of the test rig to meet the requirements during the development process of a turbocharger turbine, considering not only time and cost but also flexibility, is highlighted