2.2. Experimental setup
Experiments were carried out in a 100-mL-cylindrical high pressure autoclave (Autoclave Engineers, M010SS) made of 316 stainless steel (temperature limit: 232◦C, pressure range: 0–15 MPa). The system was equipped with a magnetic drive stirrer and with a 400 W electrical furnace for heating. Tem- perature was measured by a thermocouple located inside the reactor and stirring speed was measured by a tachometer. Both operation variables were controlled to ±1 ◦ C and ±1 rpm, respectively, by an electronic control unit. The pressure was set to 4 MPa by means of N2 to ensure that the medium is in liquid phase over the whole temperature range. One of the outlets of the reactor was connected directly to a liquid samp- ling valve, which injected 0.2 L of pressurized liquid into a gas–liquid chromatograph (Agilent Technologies, 7820A).