Similarity of traditional fantasy and modern fantasy sometimes used to talk as a circus. In addition to this, the reader will also find an Empire with magical or mythical figures and spell like gods and goddess. In essence, the modern imagination, borrowing from the old tales of ancient tales, she sometimes uses and folklore to create new and original stories that might be located in the current or in the past, depending on the setup of the author. In addition to magic, mysteries and monsters, this category is mostly remembered because of the structure. "Legend" and the monomyth of the hero's journey while Joseph Campbell points out in his hero to thousands of pages, usually with a specific template (or symbols/patterns) that occurs in the form of this literature. In addition, the hero in this work of fiction is often referred to with some pursuit of his/her desire to not only reach the target (or useful), but also develops and learn about him/her as a character. Both types of literature share some elements in common. The readers are modern and happy.