The youth of America have been targeted for debt creation by financial institutions.
However, in the long-run, the millennial generation can be aided through financial literacy
programs offered by the financial services industry. In turn, such program should instill loyalty
to these financial enterprises, especially if they can package and market customized, low-risk,
investment vehicles for these neophytes. To continue to ignore this lucrative target market is ill
advised as existing customers of advanced age withdraw their deposits or investments to use for
other purposes that best fit their lifestyle. Beginning with improving financial Websites to better
cater to millennial investors and potential long-term customers, financial institutions can better
build a relationship based on the positive focus of rational investment processes, rather than
negative associations of debt. This paper highlights the pressing need for financial literacy and
suggests marketing strategies in order for financial institutions to fulfill this educational vacuum
and, in turn, attract youthful investors and strategically establish a relationship with these
newfound customers.
Key words: Youth investing, mutual funds, financial literacy, matching funds, branding
The millennials and money management