This announcement for your abstract in The Eight Postgraduate Forum, 13-14 May in Yogyakarta. The Letter of Acceptance and attendance form are attached.
For oral presentation participant, please create your abstract to poster also. All of posters will show up in exhibition in The Eight Postgraduate Forum. Following are the direction for poster:
1. All poster will be responsible for preparing their own posters.
2. The posters boards used the Eight Postgraduate Forum have a maximum usable surface that is 2 meters tall by 1 meter wide. the required poster size 1 meter tall by 0,7 meter wide. please prepare your poster in strict accordance with the size required
3. Posters in portrait
4. Simplicity is the key. Keep to the point. Present only enough data to support your conclusion.
5. The posters should be presented in English. Font size should be readable from 1 meter away.