Sample selection and data collection Data was collected using a US based management consulting firm to host and administer an online survey. In designing the survey, it was essential that we capturedperceived collective efficacy as a team attribute. As a sharedbelief among team members, Lindsley et al. (1995) argue that collective efficacy can be measured by (a) aggregat-ing/averaging individual team members perception; (b)using team members’ collective response to a single question (consensual method), or (c) using an individual teammember as an informant to estimate the team’s collectiveefficacy. Using an individual team member as an informantwas initially suggested by Earley (1993) and later endorsedby Lindsley et al. (1995). The use of an individual informantis based on the argument that collective efficacy is a sharedbelief and the expectation is that, as a team level attribute,an individual’s estimate of his/her team’s collective efficacy will be similar to the average of the sum of all the team member’s estimates. Lent et al. (2006) provide empirical support for this argument. They measured collectiveefficacy beliefs of individual members of the teams they studied and used the individual estimates to test a struc-tural model in which collective efficacy was modelled as apredictor of team performance. They also tested the samemodel using aggregates of individual team members’ esti-mates as measures of their team’s collective efficacy belief.The two models yielded similar results, thus providing sup-port for estimating collective efficacy beliefs either as anaggregate measure or using individual members as informants to estimate their team’s collective efficacy belief.