“When I was seven years old, I joined the Yun Hai Sect. I received a teacher and was respected but then I left and abandoned them for the sake of the Xue Yue Country. I will never forget the affection I received from other Yun Hai Sect members. I will never forget my dear teacher either. But now, the Yun Hai Sect has been destroyed and my army has played a big role in that massacre. I will never forgive myself for that.”
When Liu Cang Lan finished talking, he started kowtowing in front of all the corpses and hitting his head against the ground of the fighting stage. Suddenly, a noise emerged.
“General, Duan Tian Lang had been premeditating this event for a long time. We have all been fooled!”
One of the cavalry troops said that to Liu Cang Lan.
“I know that Duan Tian Lang is a monster. He even ordered Fei Fei to convince the best disciples of the Yun Hai Sect to go to the Holy Courtyard of Xue Yue. But it is useless to try and find excuses, I have played a big role in this affair as well. I have been unfair to the Yun Hai Sect and played a part in it’s destruction.”