The occurrence of the thyroid hormone-binding plasma protein transthyretin in the bloodstream was investigated for four American marsupial species. Serum samples were analyzed by incubation with radioactive T4, followed by electrophoresis, then autoradiography, and Western blotting. Transthyretin was found in serum from Monodelphis domestica, Didelphis virginiana, Caluromys lanatus, and Dromiciops australis. For unambiguous identification, transthyretin from D, virginiana was purified from serum and its N-terminal amino acid sequence was determined. The obtained results suggest that the initiation of transthyretin gene expression in the liver of marsupials occurred independently in several lineages of American marsupials, all of which are at the ends of phylogenetic branches. The expression of the transthyretin gene in the liver of the American polyprotodont marsupials contrasts with the lack of transthyretin gene expression in the liver of all 22 previously investigated Australian Polyprotodonta.