The question for CEOs continues to be "How do you enhance learning through out the organization?
This question has taken on new importance as CEOs are faced with the challenge of having their global workforce reflect a single set of values and one company vision. In Jeffrey Garten's book, The Mind ofthe CEO, Jack Welch comments on why CEOs are particularly interested in figuring out how to inculcate a common vision to all employees: "Leadership of companies is going to become much less CEOdriven. People within the company are going to have so much data on their hands that they will be able to challenge a CEO's decisions all the time. The pace ofevents is going to be so fast that people aren't going to wait for the next layer of management approvals. There's going to have to be much more delegation and participation. The leader much become an ever more engaging coach. You are going to have to create an environment where excitement reigns where challenges are everywhere and where the rewards are both in the wallet and in the soul." 2
The CEO, by providing encouragement, resources and commitment for strategic learning, builds support for new learning programs and the education practice throughout the organization. This may be the most common role for the CEO ofany organization. Some high-profile CEOs, such as GE's Jack Welch and Bob Buckman of Buckman Laboratories, are passionate advocates for lifelong learning and continuous career development.
As sponsors ofenterprise-wide learning, CEOs deliver more than vocal support. They provide funding for new learning initiatives. They meet with learning advisory council members, including the Chief Learning Officer, and help set goals for learning programs. They set an example for business unit managers. CEO sponsorship can take place in a variety of forms:
Participation in Leadership Development Programs
Initiation of academic partnerships with colleges and universities
Introduction of new enterprise-wide learning programs such as elearning
Adapting learning activities to support a new business model
CEO sponsorship in most, if not all, of these learning ventures extends well beyond an appearance in the obligatory company video telling why this or that initiative is important, or the chief executive's message on the first page of a training catalog reminding employees of the obligation to learn. CEO sponsorship for learning is an active involvement rather than just a public commitment t60 life-long learning