The bilateral economic relations between China and Thailand have unprecedentedly increased since the
signing of China-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). This paper describes the rapid economic re-
lations between China and Thailand from the perspectives of bilateral trade and investment as well as
other forms of economic cooperation within the latest one decade, and elaborates the spectacular features
of Sino-Thai bilateral economic ties in comparison with ASEAN as a whole and the other ASEAN mem-
ber countries. In addition to explore the driving factors in boosting these two countries’ economic rela-
tions, the paper also explores the problems that exists since the two countries’ economic exchanges are as
matter of fact under a framework of “South to South” type that embrace inevitably the week pointes such
as lacking of complementarities and the others, the effect of free trade pact of “earlier heaviest” concluded
by Sino-Thai government since 2003 as an experimental arrangement of CAFTA will be revaluated.