Chapter 3: Market Research
1. Subject: Market Research Questionnaire and Analysis
3. Content and Concept:
3.1 Instructions for Presentation 1: Market Analysis
3.2 Getting ready to ask questions
3.3 Types and examples of survey questions
3.4 Organize survey findings into visual graphs
3.5 Target Market Segment
3.6 Textbook Unit 4 New Products and Unit 6 Customer service
4. Learning Objective:
4.1 Students will be able to write a market survey questionnaire
4.2 Students will organize their findings into info-graphs
4.3 Students will write about their target segments into;
4.4 Students will gain new vocabulary in order to write and discuss
4.5 Students will be able to present their ideas and findings to the
Demographics Psychographics and Buying patterns
their business idea for a target market
5. Teaching Activities: Lectures, writing and conducting market surveys,
analyzing findings, organizing findings for an info-graph presentation
6. Teaching Materials: PowerPoints, Handouts, Textbook- Units 4 and 6
7. Assessment: Presentation 1: Target Market Analysis (10%)