Dear All Value customers,
Please be informed that with effect from Jul 1st, 2016, CommScope Thailand will be implementing MOV (Minimum Order Value) to all BNS Enterprise business through APAC regions.
The value set for MOV is USD 5000.00 (THB175,000) per PO . The same value will be imposed on delivery as well. Hence to manage orders and dating in system so that ready items within same week can be consolidated in one shipment. A handling charge of USD 250.00 (THB8,750) will be imposed on Orders/Delivery which does not meet minimum value.
For cases where PO value cannot meet MOV due to project add-on, urgent purchase or for other justified reasons, MOV charge waiver will be reviewed on case by case basis.
Attached please find the letter.
If you require further clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact me.