Water is indispensable and one of the precious natural resources of our planet. Ground water is an important natural source of water supply all over the world. Its use in irrigation, industries and domestic usage continues to increase where perennial surface water source is absent. The modern civilizations, over exploitations, rapid industrialization and increased population have lead to fast degradation of our environment. To meet the rising demand, it is imperative to recognize the fresh water resources and also to find out remedial methods for improvement of water quality. The quality of groundwater may depend on geology of particular area and also vary with depth of water table and seasonal changes and is governed by the extent and composition of dissolved salts depending upon the source of the salt and soil subsurface environment. Water intended for human consumption should be safe and wholesome that is free from pathogenic agent and harmful chemicals, pleasant to taste and useable for domestic purpose. In the context of quality and quantity, groundwater fluctuates in variably in its own which reflects the time to time status of groundwater as a whole for the region.