Dear parents,
Firstly, a big well done to the children. PPiP's first ever GBAC event and we win a trophy. You should all be so proud of the children. Mr Op has done a fantastic job with the children. Our aim now is to stay strong going forward in the future. We hope to be recognised as a strong international school for all sports. Swimming continues as normal after school. Op recommends 4-5 times a week for the serious swimmers. Minimum of 2-3 for more casual swimmers. You can choose what best suits your child.
I wont be around as much as I am using my time to focus on other tasks. As normal, swimmers are expected to swim for the full session and be able to concentrate throughout. I would like to ask for your support to encourage children to stick to these rules. If a child doesn't want to do it we would like them to go home rather than stay around the pool area. This makes Op's job easier to keep the children on task while training. A child who does not want to swim becomes a distraction for the others. Please support Op and help him focus his time in the right way. The Thai section swimmers are a great example of this.
I will be making a folder on the internet where you can post all your photos into. They will be used on Facebook / website by office department.
Again well done to the children. Everyone at PPiP is so proud of you. I hope they can now look to the future and continue to develop.
“Push yourself to keep improving or you'll stay as close to the bottom as you are to the top” - John Wooden