The sample of 292 depressed individuals consisted of 96 (32.9%) atypical depression and 196 (67.1%) nonatypical depression patients, with 169 (57.9%) female and 123 (42.19%) male patients. Mean age at intake was 37.2 years (SD 11.4) and at earliest depression onset was 18.7 years (SD 13.0). Mean number of years from earliest depression onset was 18.4 (SD 14.0). Of the 292 patients, 283 (96.9%) had sufficient data to determine lifetime psychiatric comorbidity. Specifically, criteria were met for substance dependence (past only) by 10.6%, PTSD by 7.1%, other anxiety disorders by 33.6%, somatoform disorders by 5.7%, and eating disorders (primarily binge eating disorder) by 8.2%. Overall, 135 patients (47.7%) met diagnostic criteria for at least l comorbid disorder.