darling it is because of i want the Thai lady to explain to you my problem i have in the bank because she can hear English, when i went to bank to cash my cheque the bank manager told me that i must open an international account in the bank before i can cash my money with 5000 dollars, before then i have already paid the Malaysia ministry of works 10% before they sign my contract, after that all i have with me was 4000 dollars that is why i was calling you for you to help me with 1000 dollars so that i can open the account and cash my cheque so that i can come to Thailand to meet you before i will come back to start my work, that 1000 dollars i need from you is about 3000 Malaysia money, then the Thai lady that speak with you said that she will help me with 1000 Malaysia money , so that you will help me with only 2000 Malaysia money, so that if i finish with the bank i give her money, then i will come to Thailand to meet you,