Q: Are ethical issues really different because of information technology?
A: Fundamentally, ethical frameworks do not change because of the context of information technology. Rather, technology really magnifies ethical challenges. For example, information technology has been a key driver of globalization. Issues that were previously considered "local", are now subjected to international scrutiny. The pace of change that is characteristic of information technologies contributes to this magnification. Again, what might have been a "small" problem can quickly accelerate into becoming a large problem. New ethical frontiers are created routinely, as information technology changes the realm of possibilities.
Q What do you mean by the "social implications" of information technology?
A: This perspective examines how information technology affects the way people act, both interpersonally and organizationally. At a societal level, you might consider the impact of access (or lack thereof) to information. In an organization, the question might be how workgroup interactions, employment policies, and workplace privacy are affected by information systems. With individuals, an interesting implication is the changing norms of personal behavior, as technology-mediated communication becomes more prevalent.
Q. Why are the policy effects of information technology a concem for people outside of the public sector?
A: As individuals, organizations, and institutions become increasingly reliant on information technologies, public policy related to information and technology becomes more salient. Individuals are more concerned about protecting their privacy and identity. Corporations are more sensitive to mitigating liability for system and data quality. Lawmakers and technologists are more challenged in the safeguard and preservation of intellectual capital.