When talking about the difference between men and women believe that many people often think about the body and physical strength first.In particular, the brain and the mind
.The psychological difference between men and women associated with different brain
man - has the ability to remember the direction and calculating than women. Realistic than women and have sexual needs than women
.Women - have the ability for communication than men, more emotional reasons. And women speak out without thinking!What are the differences between men and women on the other side of the body. Body structure of a man and a woman are sameness is the hands, feet, eyes, ears, nose, too, but there are something different. Hormone is not the same.The structure of the brain and different space structure กลาม
.The man - no uterus, a man has a harsh voice. The size and strength of body, men have a body size bigger than height and weight than the shape of man's looks are often more handsome than beautiful shape.Like the body comfortable
.Woman - uterus shrill than men with breast round noon, subtle body look soft target mark that men look beautiful. And the beauty and cosmetic use, however, writesOtherwise, there will be a good girl. Or the girl is very good in a man good at?