Suggesting that green is here to stay are Generation Z; the first generation to be brought up in an environmentally conscious world, green is a part of their everyday lift. Generation Zs , those currently under the age of 16, think nothing of living in solar – powered homes with a hybrid car in the driveway. Learning about environmental issues in school, they were likely exposed to The story of stuff, a 20 – minute animated video that divulges the environmental impact of our daily consumption. For Gen Zs, shorting paper and plastic for recycling is a natural a daily activity as talking out the trash was for their parents. In school and at home the 3Rs of waste management, “reduce , reuse, and recycle” are as common as the 3Rs of “Reading, writing, and rithmetic” Environmentally sensitive cleaning aids, locally grown product, and recycled-paper goods top their parents shopping lists. Clothes made from organically grown cotton and biobased fibers are part of the Gen Zs uniform.