The story unfolds in Atlanta, Georgia, as Cyrus DeBarg, who is a pastor's son, and his best friend Kris McDuffy reunite with their childhood friend, teenage singing sensation Roxanne "Roxie" Andrews, whose music label is sponsoring a songwriting contest at a teen club. Cyrus, a shy busboy and Youth Choir director who writes rap music under the name "Truth," crafts a heartfelt and contest-winning rhyme song called "Don't Run Away" about Roxie, but Roxie ends up mistaking him for Kris due to him sending in a photo of both him and Kris. Knowing that Kris wants to be with Roxie, Cyrus stands by while Kris not only takes credit for the lyrics, but ultimately begins to win Roxie's heart too. After seeing Kris take all the credit, Cyrus begins straying further and further away from Kris. Meanwhile, a conflict is beginning to form between Cyrus and his dad due to Cyrus's dad's opinion that rap is the Devil's music.
Cyrus and Roxie get to know each other and Roxie says she can talk to him better than she can talk to Kris. Eventually, Cyrus' father comes to accept and support him after reading his lyrics and he reveals he is "Truth" through a song called "Me and You ." However, after learning Cyrus is "Truth", Cyrus then has a rap battle with arrogant rapper Lord of Da Bling. Cyrus wins after telling the whole audience the fact that Bling is not in fact rich, but a normal person, which he found out by seeing Bling work his day job as a taxi driver. Kris eventually tells Roxie that Cyrus is a great person and only pretended he wasn't "Truth" for Kris, as well as they didn't try to hurt Roxie: he also says Cyrus is real and that's who she needs to be with. Roxie then goes to church and hugs Cyrus and they sing "Let it Shine".
The story unfolds in Atlanta, Georgia, as Cyrus DeBarg, who is a pastor's son, and his best friend Kris McDuffy reunite with their childhood friend, teenage singing sensation Roxanne "Roxie" Andrews, whose music label is sponsoring a songwriting contest at a teen club. Cyrus, a shy busboy and Youth Choir director who writes rap music under the name "Truth," crafts a heartfelt and contest-winning rhyme song called "Don't Run Away" about Roxie, but Roxie ends up mistaking him for Kris due to him sending in a photo of both him and Kris. Knowing that Kris wants to be with Roxie, Cyrus stands by while Kris not only takes credit for the lyrics, but ultimately begins to win Roxie's heart too. After seeing Kris take all the credit, Cyrus begins straying further and further away from Kris. Meanwhile, a conflict is beginning to form between Cyrus and his dad due to Cyrus's dad's opinion that rap is the Devil's music.
Cyrus and Roxie get to know each other and Roxie says she can talk to him better than she can talk to Kris. Eventually, Cyrus' father comes to accept and support him after reading his lyrics and he reveals he is "Truth" through a song called "Me and You ." However, after learning Cyrus is "Truth", Cyrus then has a rap battle with arrogant rapper Lord of Da Bling. Cyrus wins after telling the whole audience the fact that Bling is not in fact rich, but a normal person, which he found out by seeing Bling work his day job as a taxi driver. Kris eventually tells Roxie that Cyrus is a great person and only pretended he wasn't "Truth" for Kris, as well as they didn't try to hurt Roxie: he also says Cyrus is real and that's who she needs to be with. Roxie then goes to church and hugs Cyrus and they sing "Let it Shine".
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