Goal attainment was only measured in the SFBT
group. Differences with regard to quality of the
life, maladaptive behaviour and resilience were
measured in both groups (SFBT and CAU). The
Scaling Question Progression (SQP) uses a scale
of 1 (goal not reached) to 10 (goal reached) on
which the client indicates to what extent s/he has
approached or has reached her/his therapeutic
treatment goal (Bannink 2010). In a study by
Fischer (2009), the individual scale question was
used with 3920 clients to measure emotional
coping and daily functioning before and after
SFBT. Differences between before and after SFBT
varied between +0.9 and +2.1 points for daily
functioning and between +0.6 and +1.4 points for
emotional coping. In this study, a progression of
+2.0 points (being relatively high) was considered
clinically relevant.